Thank you so much for bringing attention to this issue! You have a fantastic writing style and a real gift for explaining the current situation and advocating your opinion through storytelling. I'm not sure where you live currently (Uganda?) but I live in Richmond, Virginia and fossil fuels here are disgustingly corrupt, greedy, and reckless. The 800-lb gorilla in Virginia politics is Dominion Energy. They slapped a tax on solar panels, scrapped a large offshore wind project, built a highly dangerous natural gas pipeline across 100 miles of pristine state forest, and permitted loud, smelly diesel generators to power our data centers. I personally know they're crooks because I previously worked for a company that was abruptly contacted and hired by Dominion after pipeline construction caused a huge amount of flooding and erosion. I don't have children, but I'd like to leave a nice world for my little nieces and nephews! I'm bewildered by oil executives who have no problem ruining the environment for their descendants. I agree they need to be stopped- but how?