I live in Virginia, where our Republic Governor Glenn Youngkin came out of nowhere to win the state election two years ago by convincing older, wealthier White voters that AP English courses teaching Toni Morrison's "Beloved" would incite massive race riots and cause White students to feel shame. (I'm not kidding you.) His administration has gone on to pass bills outlawing CRT, disbanding DEI programs, and attempting to register professors' political affiliations at our leading public university. I read "The Bluest Eye" at 14, quite a bit younger than AP English students, because I'd heard about how amazing it was- it wasn't assigned for class or anything. Morrison's power and skill as a storyteller absolutely blew me away. This might sound silly to some, but it was literally a physical experience that I've only had with a handful of other books. That, to me, is the incredible strength of Black writing. Thankfully Virginia has Governor term limits and I will do everything in my power to make sure other students have access to brilliant writers like Toni Morrison.